Soon, the tri aquarius team, moon sun merc, will charge us up and make us feel like we are actually one race of people in a whole body of god, but hey, as you know, I am against all religion because, sure, god loves you, I get it! Just you and me because we are tight.
If you think about it too much you might rant for a year or two like I have and perhaps always will.
I am thinking on sweeter things, however the cappy moon makes me uber emo and I feel like I am carrying the world and some days, are, harder now and for me they will be for a few more months.
I am still creating you know. I am always creating something.
Yesterday, one of my regular shoppers ( I do not know what to call them) who is a political science major came in with her daughter who has perpetual constipation.
I know what the problems is!
Her mother, a very bright Persian woman, loves to say she loves prayer, always she says that first, I think it is a habit. What I see is the mother is very attached to keeping her girl so healthy that she is not healthy. She is pallid and says nothing while her mother chatters on. I try to engage in real questions, like, " what do you do when you do not study, what do you study, anyhow?" "I study for medicine, maybe.."
she looked down when she said it, you know?
She does not want to be a doctor. I do not know what she wants to do, but honestly, she looked a little vacant just in case her mother, still talking, might find her private thought and dissect it like a surgeon..
controlling her girl while choosing all the remedies and what she will eat next. seriously lady, she is in college, not some desert island and she is 20, leave her alone!
This time we gave her some magnesium powder (we as in me) and some dandelion tea.
I know what the problem is.
she wants to tell her mom to piss off for a minute so she an breathe but she is scared and now she is a slave to this controlling tight person which manifests her reflections on her girl. the poor girls liver!
Admittedly, I really kind of enjoy her knowledge and fervent need to understand the body and herbal medicine. She should be a doctor, not the girl.
from the feet grounded as they are charged with earthly life
traveling upwards and through each ancient cell of your body
and out of your hands as each of your mind's intention pours