Saturday, January 7, 2012

made some soap

the usual blends people love which I had sold out of and something new.

Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil Soap with Calendula Essential oil and Roman Chamomile

I will see how it turns out before I post it for sale. So far though, it is creamy and dark orange colored due to the carotenoids in both the sea buckthorn and callendula with believe me when I tell you is dark brown but when diluted it exploded with vibrant orange color

I put some carrot seed oil in there and also a splash of bergamot as it goes so nicely with Roman chamomile.

I love calendulas. So bright, so simple and offer loads of protection both for you and your family and also in the garden.
Calendula says simple, happy, calm beauty.

composed of these constituents;
Ethereal oil (little ), bitters matter (calenduline), Carotene, Flavonoids (chlorogeniene acid, quercitine glycosides with rutine, narcissi), Mucilage, Pentacyclic alcohols (arnidoil, brain, calenduladiol, erythrodiol, faradol, heliantriol C and F, longispinogenine, ursatriol), Saponins, Sterols.

interesting to note~calendula contains two very important bioflavanoids which today are used in the treatments for their anti inflammatory properties; quercitine and rutine. Both quite helpful to add elasticity to skin, which is why taking bioflavanoids is so important in the treatment of varicose veins and other related vascular problems.
As a flower essence one could say calendula brings easy joy in the room, helps bring in healing warmth and receptivity and ease with one's words and would be a lovely essence for a 15 year old girl, were she wise enough to take it.
Ah, the ones who need healing most, act like they deserve the least:)
That is why there is a nice soap which one can use and apply these vibes towards super intense ideas of compassion and kindness.

Moon's almost full:)

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