Monday, June 10, 2013

Tonight the Patchoulis

There is some patchouli soap to be made this week. I think tonight it'll be patchouli, patchouli vetiver and patchouli rose.
It'll have a flow where you can get one of them or all three..
all three, xoxoxx

I like threes a  whole lot because it is a rounding off of sorts.
By scent not numbers in soap's case ...rounding off scent..yes..

When you look at threes though, you see something nice.
They don't call it a trine for nothing, right?
It means easy, fresh, calm and soothing. It also means sharing, caring and listening..not scheming unless it is about which soap you'll buy or in my case which soap I'll make or what sweet treat I'll consider eating. Yesterday it was a blueberry muffin with apples..delicious!

I would like to invite those ideas in your mind and mine.
 Threes in tarot are about the third house.
Family, talking, a couple buying together, a nice place, (jealousy, and broken hearts), short errands, short trips..
You see, when you do not say good things and show no compassion, you will cause pain in someone else. That is why the three of swords would come up for example. In astrology, the third house is about trips and little bursts of information about events in our world, our family and our work acquaintances and which words we say every day.

Every day I will,

Thank myself
Thank you
Listen to  you
Accept you (no body is perfect)
Give daily adoration to someone
exalt them

Patchouli Plant

What do threes have to do with patchouli? Nothing:) but...
Just because it seems exotic to us doesn't mean it isn't an every day sort of a plant somewhere. It is in the mint family after all and able to creep itself anywhere it cares to, what with its strong root system and sweet sultry fragrance.


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