Wednesday, September 25, 2013

wednesday, every one leaves

It has been a long time since I've been alone in this house with someone here, alone..Everyone who lives here goes off to school, work and the place remains clean and tidy all day.

Today, I cleaned the floors and then went over everything with a clean white sheet which I allowed to collect dew while protecting  the tomatoes overnight. I felt that the moon energy along with the living plant underneath would reflect some sort of intention on my part..and the sheets part to collect any fly away dust that has settled through the night..
I like clean stuff but I live with people who may be careless and self absorbed and the clutter builds up..
clutter is dust to me..things should be stowed if not in use.

I seem to have also collected a new house mate..the three day a week plan is now seven day..I feel like I need to let this happen and she does help with advanced homework..
she brings her own cooler, it is so cute..
she sleeps with one of the boys, but they aren't "sleeping" together..
"you know, we can put a sofa in there for you guys"
"no, no, we don't mind"
It is so weird..

5 good things of the day


crisp, chilly

bean soup is on!

Black Bean Soup
one bag organic black beans
clean and fill a pot with water and put the beans in there
boil on high
1 big spoon Celtic salt

in another saute pan
saute one onion chopped medium
three cloves garlic chopped fine
1 tablespoon each of oregano cumin red pepper, new mexico chili pepper, bay leaves, black pepper
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
fry that up now  until it soaks in to the onion and then dump in your bean pot, put a little juice from the beans in the pan to deglaze and the pour off the rest of that in the soup
add celery and carrot of you want to
simmer for three hours and serve with rice or a crusty whole grain bread..

Roasted Squash with Heirloom Michigan Apples
clean and cut a couple squash of your liking do the same with the apples and then put on top
sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and about 1/4 cup water..
cover and bake for one hour at 350..if you want butter, put butter on it..too much butter puts the pounds on though..

get to wear frankincense and sandalwood today
get to make something amazing for you

have a wonderful day

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