Saturday, November 16, 2013

the full moon in Taurus

 Full Moon is in Taurus..Sun in Scorpio

It is a time of repairing breaches which have left something of a gash in the structure.
Focus on your money, your love (r), yes, but not because you do not have enough. You always have enough.
Focus on yourself, become more stunning, eat better, do something for yourself..
If you get joy from cleaning up your place, like me, then stay home and do that..get rid of things that do not serve..they only sit there and collect dust and we all know that The Scorpio Taurus polarity love beauty, is very beautiful!

key words this next few days:
Who fixes what
who owns what
who owes what

good food
good focus with Mercury in Scorpio
beginnings of a long term relationship
the mind cutting through non essentials, Mercury in Scorpio
recognizing powers beyond our control, Saturn in Scorpio
taking care of yourself and all that is yours, Jupiter in Cancer
a passion for details, Mars in Virgo
what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances, Neptune in Pisces..I want that one!

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