It is frozen and cold here in southern Michigan.
I am having a wonderful pressed coffee and having a little sit down to write a little bit about stuff and thangs..
Still in a deep muck of mercury retrograde? It is okay, so everything is crazy, it is always crazy!
I am feeling a bit weird because people..
You know I work retail, anyone can become a stalker.
They almost do until they find out, I am crazier than any thing they can think of and they will not shock me..
sure I was shocked when I saw pictures of a girls room with burns on her clothes from the crack she was smoking.
""hey have you seen Linda, she looks great, she is so thin now."
I never answered anything back to that because , who cares? And, she was really pretty as a chunky girl, not some shriveled up fake lipped whore who went to crack for the rest of her needs..
I was shocked but not surprised at all that she caved her self like that..
Bad things, bad people can be doing things for a long time till we find out. And so what when we do find out? The shock, the wave of pain that kind of flashes inside of us when it is actually a family member doing the damage to him or her self??
It happens.
Mercury retrograde stirs things up for sure..
Things will clear up in no time so don't go freaking out and take control of your tasks as if they are your friends, lovers and always always going your way..I think that is why we make stuff, that is why I do.
Do something which brings goodness, happiness and real life changes each day and for sure change as you need to.
My mom, speaking about my daughters boyfriend..
"you shouldn't let that boy spend the night there so much, it is not moral (she said it in greek)."
"Then Kani" it means it is not to be done, disproved and improper..when they say, "rezeeli" it means really shameful! She did not say Rezeeli and has not said it for a very long time.
I am an amazing woman and mother, she wolf, bear claw, warrior...
Me :)
"I want my daughter to be happy"
Remember when we could not even live together because the boy had to be Greek and we had to be married and we had to build a life and we had to show up in church and we had to dance the Greek dance and we had to praise the lord and never take communion on our periods?
Yea, I do...
I remember sneaking around and hanging out with the Greek girls was so boring..then one of them wanted to go drinking at bars with me. I don't drink, she had a bad time and later died from cocaine addiction and no more money for cocaine. she said I was a nerd. I am.
Slow down to think.
Be a part of your doings and don't be so bored.
Find something to clean up..
you will need your money for more important things
your addictions will catch up with you
it is good to face what needs to go
let it go
it is not important in the whole scheme of things
what you think you must have at this very moment, must wait
unless it is the simple pleasures of a nice bar of soap and a good story to invoke a feeling :)
Your loved ones that are far away that you think about so kindly and so full of respect, admiration and full on acceptance of them
To me, that is precious that we think of one another in such kind ways. This makes me happy.
We are interesting life forms so easily distracted by the shaking and rumbling of our spinning rock and the huge ass magnets that spin it/us around our helpless we are in proportion to that force and yet we can dwell on some crazy stress factors that push us to make decisions. Be they smart or not so smart..
do not think you can control everything, control the drugs, control every bite of food.
I understand..learn and study what needs to improve in your life. You are not more better or more moral because you only eat plants, that is a myth..cells are alive and have
*** on another note***
The old whore is almost ready to be poured in a mix of creamy decadent soap base..mmm
she will have blood orange, neroli and bergamot on top
rose, jasmine in the middle
and my secret stash of syrup of old dirty is like adding the mother when you make a culture..
it is like a culture..
each batch having been collected through time, and the thoughts and ideas that came to mind and the strength I had to pull
and the soothing touch I sometimes gave
to a girl or boy who was lucky enough to have my hands on them
I have a touch
you all know it is true
It does come through in everything I do
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