Wednesday, February 22, 2017

me and kyphi go way way back

and no I won't just yet, start singing 'walk like an Egyptian" :)

I am working on a scent own rendition. I looked on the web and read about Justine Crane's version which has been well thought out and she went further to make incense which is divine.
 I read about some of the others who I really don't know if I can trust.
Some like to write witchy names in order o invoke a certain message in order to sell their wares.

We had a run on some fake amber thing that lasted about three months at my store and has dwindled to a few who really enjoy the animal scent the Indian company as perverted in an amber like horror. I can smell it and it is sick enough not to go back for more. Who am I an emperor of scent? Ha:)
My black witch love, I call her that because I love her dearly and I feel like my mom, she is someone I can trust and I know no matter what, she will slice through any bullshit which I love more. Even if it is mine.
Maybe that is why my soap shop is so special. We are all sort of seeking kindness and peace of and a feeling of joyful wonder at such simple beautiful plants that give us so much?

My kyphi so far is brewing very nicely. I added mastic today and it changed everything. I added more myrrh because it is what I feel is the main ingredient beside frankincense. I am sure the ancients  used what was easily bought or traded and can you imagine how much gum and resin they must have collected in ancient times when the demand was not as high as today?
 Even twenty years ago I had chunk of myrrh as big as my I am happy with chunk as big as my thumb..very happy indeed.

I will not likely make incense because Justine makes super fine incense and I can't do everything all at once anyhow..
A little kyphi spray though, might be nice for all of us..yes?
kyphi spray

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