Saturday, September 30, 2017

hello my beautious lazer mindz

don't be sad about the truth
laugh and laugh super hard
like a penis

You can say those things in your own blog, huh?

Look inside right now, in your head. Stop reading this and pick out the thing you are gnawing over. Do you focus on that one thought and cry as it tears through your gullet and back  to your gut? That is right there, that is Adrenalin and if you can master the rush from that poison or what people call the flight response, that, is what one might call enlightenment.what ever that means. Enlightened, Seriously? To what? When our star will goes red giant and melts us all in to smithereens or when we collide with Andromeda, there may be some problems?? No man who is here meditating in a cave or dead  as a saint can stop that. That is truth..anything else your brain may have conjured up is hearsay, I say.

 play smart and work hard
like a penis

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