Wednesday, March 21, 2018

sun in aries mercury in aries venus in aries uranus in aries

It is an Aries fire stormy experience in many areas. And how things will be a matter of skill and ability!
I would rather  hide in my cave and make stuff. That is why I love astrology. It gives a reflective view of our mythology and frankly I cannot here we are. I do and say things and my words reach millions of like minded

I know that I am held accountable for many things. To be honest they all whey on my mind and yet there is nothing I can do about the big things except do my duty always.
That is to serve on my terms.

How rich and perfect can a life's cause be?
I sometimes see all the intense glory were give and take away from one another and how cold and chilling as a group we can be.
I would rather hide in my cave and make things with my hands. Hide and hone in on my will and how that makes my brain so much smarter..yes indeed!

I have had many people ask me for more fougere's and more chypres and more

I am out of lemon ice again, it is nice and strong, people love strong!
 I do not care what that lady said about my old whore soap, as far as I am concerned I love her.
I forget that I make stuff for me and how that is the most important magic here.
I raise the brain in my head to create a composition based on my will to drive it to where it needs to go. Oh. it goes! Sometimes its own way :)

I made a face gele with all the amazing serum oils you can muster and just enough beeswax to  hold them together. truly something worthy of you.
I will take better photos soon. I think you will be pleased.

 rose sandalwood

neroli frankincense

frankincense rose

Have a wonderful day and think about how awesome the next soap batch is going to be.

I am making buttermilk lavender soap for a special order. The lavender oil that I am working with  is spectacular!


Yes to all those things!

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