Thursday, June 7, 2018

my witchery turned in to kitchen magic the old whore and more ideas about wonderment

Yesterday, someone tried to save me. Usually it is a very nice customer who becomes enamored by my voice and then the dialog.
He pointed at a book about natural healing and then he said it was the best book ever besides the bible..goddamnit these people with their final statements and me who can't keep her big mouth shut or make coffee to save her life..ha ha ha

I showed him the weight loss product he heard about some baseball  player takes to look great and (konjac fiber,, yea  big secret and dumb) I showed him and he was babbling on about this guy on TV and I said, " how can you say these two books and have you ever read the bible?"
 He looked up at me and said, "no"
why do I even?
I have, I told him. "The whole thing, all of is not pretty or loving in any way!" And when an 8 year old girl gets brutally raped and murdered by the namaste people and god just does nothing..sure he loves you, he loves you he loves you..
I told him and you know what he said?
"That is because we are fallen a fallen world god is hurt, and  so very hurt that you say he does not exist."
Awe he is in the corner crying when people are being burned alive, awe he is sad because "fallen" awe..(that was all in my head by the way..I did not voice that sort of sarcasm)

"Fallen?" No way! We live in a most perfect neighborhood in space being given this meat suit to thrive and think and eat and live in a real garden where serpents eat the rats!"
 I told him we are a gem in the stupid whore dummy! (my own thoughts there :)
" read all the bible and then come back we can talk."
I also said something to this effect but I was already behind schedule..
"Either he is capable and wants to help and love you or he is capable and does not want to help because he loves you or he  able and does not want to or he is unable.."
wait let me say that better..

he can and wants to
he can and does not want to
he can't and wants to
he can't and does not want to

Here are some pointers when trying to loose weight.
Eat greens,salad and all the colors of whole grains and do not eat in carry outs all the time. It is important that who touches your me it is and to my mom..she knows things.

I got this new labdanum from a really nice web site as referred by my MH :) xx

I made the old whore with it. I also used my labdanum from France as well  and I am so excited to cut the bars but she is still warm..num num..

The odds of our planet being so perfect  in temperature and if we even wanted to, super safe. They have been talking about the end times for ages and I do love a good zombie story myself,,it is not free from always having to proclaim god's love. Big the work!
My mom would say that!

Best time in my life, family, home, health
best friends in my life
best soap in my life
best choices

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