Saturday, August 25, 2018

Samhain chart for 2018

Sawwen :) ha ha ha
oye, spell it that way then..freeking Gaelic.

We need to learn that language. I feel like my people bred with those people a long time ago and my cells may remember.
Mostly I think my cells started way back when to Persia and before Alexander and before that something from some crazy creature I would not know and  here we are. You too,hey?

. As humans are creatures that cannot not make we go..empires are born and who swallows who is important. by the way how do you think all those empires conquered? They were all fed on blood and grown on severed limbs. Jesus had nothing to do with Constantine's choices to form a new christian religion. Know that will you please??

It was common  to have limbs missing from knives and all sorts of axes..and still people rant about how bad we are now in 2018 and how the young are going  to ruin us with their socialism. It does not have to be that way. we all need to live free from boundaries and then the problems and whose god will rule over the boundaries we don't have?
Witches knew that a long time ago. I knew it when I was five that I was not a part of this lie they fed down my throat.  I learned everything and became devout of I do know know something big in my head. It is the higher mind.. I know that now.
"yes, that is god!" a boy said that to me.
The subconscious mind is a fat and hormone driven network that somehow leads the conscious mind..
Oh man, yea, maybe that is a divine  source making all that electricity happen.

The higher mind knows
she already knows
before you even know
It is true,  you make memories in that brain because it is almost fat and fat is where all the nutrients go.
Samhain is big time though. It is fear and loathing and it is love beyond measure but it is about knowing the death part of us. The things we must leave behind. It is the bite of the scorpion as he walks away as you lay wounded yet again...It is the understanding of royal devine universal awareness.

Samhain is about being so grateful.
Witches all over the word know this. They need not parade themselves a royal beacons for lords, they remain quiet and wise beyond the chantings of mortal men. Witches know themselves and do not lie to themselves to believe in fables and myths which lead to nothing but blood shed in the end. Witches know.  Don't be scared. You can know too. Remain calm.
Know your intentions.
Work hard and look them in the ey and listen. Gently smile, they may strike you down if you say the wrong thing..I always do. lol
Witches know..
the word lingers  on your tongue doesn't it. Think of it this way, in every language, it holds a little disgust. In greek "yiftos" means the worst thief and vagabond. A roaming soothsayer who will steal from you. He will steal, that one will, because his cast was set by his parents and he is under a rule of devotion.
Oh they will sit with the main witch in the bunch and get their palm read and she gives it and they give her money and the send her off. It still happens all over Europe.

The witch is grateful for everything, she has everything and she knows everything is is, yes?

I am grateful for everything, I have everything, I know everything I am"

We will need a candle, and it has to be beeswax
we will need a salt cleansing mugwort based something with yarrow and ancient dedications and anointings.
We will need an anointing oil made of prickly pear oils and tansy..
Let us now ponder on our beautiful witchy ways...

There is a bunch of 8th house stuff a brewing for all of us and with respect to new forms of work environments where we will have a much needed harmony between structure (saturn) and artistic flashes of amazingness..(Uranus)Have a beautiful is raining here:)

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