oh man in my dreams I am me and you and us..I am excited because we fly together and all is well. We think freedom and kindness and all the best things..
I am excited because each time I make something so glorious
so fragrant..
and pure and I wonder if now, this is the thing, the best thing or will the very next one make me feel a whole new way..it always does you know, make us feel whole new ways.
As I touch each oil and each new vial, I wonder how it will all transform or perhaps change me..yes, to change my mind somehow about something I am holding too long and I think this, " how lucky I am to feast on such wondrous things" xx
Well, its not my spouse, it's my mom. She always hides to call someone. I hate what she is doing. I already know the phone number of the other man and some information. She always denies it and gets very mad. I need more proofs, that will be impossible to deny. It quite hurts, the way your own mother is acting. It's also disgusting. Well, I guess I got off the topic. I wanted to know if the information of a cell phone can be transferred to some other device, to be viewed. Thank you, the information was helpful,contact him in gmail with this address hotcyberlord@gmail.com..he will surely help out like he did for me