Wednesday, February 20, 2019

foxy keen super sage

I made soap.
I made a new batch of old whore and then I split the batch to make foxy keen super sage soap with manuka honey and pumice.

The blend is wicked!
1 ounce sage
2 ounces patchouli
1/2 ounce of cedar wood
vetiver and rhu khus,  one  that radiates so much love that I can only say it is magical in its concentration of particles.

The honey gives this soap a nice caramel amber tone and this  softened the spiky sage.

Foxy because your skin glows! Herbally fragrant and high in pumice this bar is! At first you might find it too rough. After you soften your bar with warm water and give it some love, it will relax and scrub you like nothing you have ever had the pleasure of enjoying. 
I am going to bath right now with my wee bar, the rest are for you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Virgo Full Moon

Virgo good

good food
well made art
satisfaction with sex
too much sex
obsession with sex
mental abuse
making up lies out loud and changing your story as you go and the believing it is all true
there is no real story
there is cause and effect and how you color your words..

Virgo full moon brings you down on the floor all broken sometimes
if you are below the poverty line or just above,
you may be subject to a ,life of servitude..there is your drive on the kings road, so, you pay!

Virgo Full Moon
talk to your mother because the Saturn Pluto is in Cappy and you are right there on a mountain
Your mountain!

It is made of your kin and everyone they bring to the mountainside that you dwell on.
It is glorious
trees and many wonderful creatures living near by enjoying their bounty..nuts, berries, mushrooms which heal...the question being, that, if you are on the mountain side..what are you doing there? Are your serving someone,  your fellow man?
"Serve yourself",  Pluto says! "Listen to your higher conscience", Saturn says! "Do your duty!"

Maybe the thing I find about virgo influences is that they bring the past in a very sympathetic way..They love the past memories and they want to bring that feeling back when they had that one meal that was the best thing they ever ate. You almost feel jealous at their meaning of the memory..xx

Find that special one memory now..which one?

Here is one of mine and I did this for one year :)
On a mountain
in the best house with all windows just about..monkeys, and many animals of the jungle near by...

feed the monkeys some bananas
and the walk down the the banana trees i planted. the monkeys watch and play. They stay up high where the vines have made flowers. they eat the inside and drink the water in them.
Sing while you water the babies on the path
"hey bagavan"

8:00 make dough and start a fire It is hot. The dough is ready in like 15 minutes

The monkeys love dough so make sure you hide it while it rises or they will steal  in a second!

make flatbread and cook it on the fire mmmm
 fry up some big bananas and serve with black beans, rice, roasted peppers, queso fresco and some fried eggs if you want..

11:00 am
take a swim and by 12:00 it is time to go in and rest during this  hot part of the day
.There were 2000 books...

I carried those fuckers from house to house and then some of them were eaten by ants and other paper eating creatures.. that is why Tarzan did not have books!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

I hope your sweetheart is sweet and you are content

Okay so I am in to this whole thing with astrology.
I can't stop. No, it is not my religion, it is simply a fun way for me to look at archetypes and respond with ideas about what I think of it.
I wish I could be a scientist and explain fully the mysteries which slowly become revealed to us. It all fits as far as I am concerned.

Look at neptune in Pisces right now. Look at how Chyron is conjunct and also Mercury visiting the shady two! 
What you will get is some bad news and how you will face fear at its most icy and real. 
Like you haven't had to grow up a million tymes in a million ways..I did mean the spell error! Tymes! The "y" brings more to the table this time and you had better look at all the fact and don't try to slide in your fantasy of how things could be, they already are what they are..could be is a fantasy and pretending game. grow up!
That is what a Pisces would say. 
Do not expect people to stand by you. Do not expect them to love you. Do not expect them to do the right things for you..
I said "for you"!
Mercury in Pisces wants to hide hide, hide from reality and pretend, pretend, pretend everything is bad whilst they languish in their high tower..ha ha.. ah, go kill a chicken for food and then pluck her and then cook her because you are hungry and then come crying to me because your organic  grass fed cows milk is out of stock in the middle of winter and you can't live without that one..awe..did you ever think that maybe the cow is not making as much because it has been 20 below zero for like a week? No?
OMG what are you going to do? ha ha ha rawerrrrr

It is not bad. 
It is so good and you are fine. Remember who you are. Be a woman! Not a weak trollop! Be an Old Whore..
Power to the core.

Maybe you need to re teach people how to treat you..good..we will talk.

The old whore
labdanum and oakmoss
bergamot and rose
and vetiver
ambergris and jasmine like you have never had before 
oolong tea organic

she lingers like honey on the skin so fine
she radiates the heat that summons 
oh and sexy sexy sexy all the tyme..

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Aries moon mars uranus

Take care babies. Think twice! My mom says that all the time! Open you eyes and think twice..
All decisions are not your responsibility and maybe you took on too much as usual.
It gets to be too many things to do and you need your rest time.
We all do. It has been a hectic time of rad change.
Do not make the mistake of being caught up in what the screen tells you every minute of the day. You seem to need to take on a side. Have it all  laid out, your way.
I know!

Look everything is temporary. True love is a false lie your hormones keep reminding you.
With the moon it is always something moving towards the insight and realizations, exposures. With the moon, one's fears become known to them. They have known all along. They know in their heart the deceptive nature of their own expectations. To expect others to follow greedily is asking too much.
Uranus brings extreme change and movement, seeking freedom..
Do what you want and if you allow these events to color you for life, well, guess what, growing old and bitching about the world is not what you are here for. This universe will continue on its own living journey with you no matter what.
( I do not know if I said that right.)
It is sort of a magic carpet ride. I know man, for some the carpet is stained or ripped apart by bad selfish people who are on our rock being dicks!
No, it is not always sweet thoughts in front of your computer whilst people all over our earth are still in the dark ages expecting miracles and goodness like people pretend jesus said. (nuff said about it))

One thing is for sure, things may get shaken up and of course it is a money thing. of course it is an ego thing. Aries has a big head. Hope fully the one you know has educated themselves and continues to do so because let me tell you one thing, an aries set in their old ways...well, one avoids conversations because why use words with an inconsolable person? It is really of no value whatsoever.
you are not here to convince others that you are right.
These archaic ideas with become dust because like it or magic carpet is only for you. It does look amazing and you are more beautiful than ever.

(**this note is not just for aries**)

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

fat cat blues

fat cat blues
She is the fattest cat I have ever seen.
She is nervous and shy and has to tell you. She talks all night. She wants company to be awake with her.  I scold her because she is a grown cat, what the heck? "hey, stop!" I said to her! She stopped so I could sleep. She is so fat I can hear her walk and it wakes me up. ha ha ha, so fat!

We gave her a cleaning when she came and she is only fed  by me. To say that I did it is a lie. My daughter is the animal whisperer around here and I couldn't manage such complicated tasks, like bathing a cat. I do have an understanding with her and I know she likes me (the cat, not my daughter))but she already knows not to go on my bed or climb on the tables.
Bella, what the heck!

Monday, February 4, 2019

venus 0* capricorn sun moon mercury in aquarius

 a weirdly electric time

I wish I could find the words to describe
the way I feel inside
one way is extreme desires
the other is reality 

the swirling words that bribe me

the twirling moods that bind me to earth and my earthly

My feet firm on the ground
aware with each cell where they stand
aware with each breath  how far down my effort goes  goes before release and renew

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Coming Up In Soapmaking Tits To Toes Spa Renewal Kit

I have ordered some ground pumice and my plans are to make a foot scrubber soap bar  and then a butter for afterwards and make this a kit. It will come as a set with a nug of soap, foot butter and a vial of tits to toes fruit oil serum.
I know! It does sound amazing and I am so in love with this blend. Let us now attend to what it will bring.

  beautiful and a little masculine

We want our men to want to please us. We want to please our cosmic lover. Inviting with waves of juicy tree words through each fragrant molecule that enters our mind.

Renewal for your sole, ha!

Black Spruce is open to grand visions and brings refreshing joy in the room.
You must bring happiness, honey, when you come inside..
this is not time for snide
When entering smile, it makes everything pretty. Suddenly, you are more.

Lavender, spiky, dry, floral, refreshing, soothing, calming. Loads so that it will stand out.

Palo santo because it grounds you and clears your mind. It is something that will mix with the lavender like the threads that keep your comfy blanket together.

Holy basil.. a hidden secret helper,  keeps toxic vibes at bay

one drop

I hope you join me in this lovely blend which will please us so much.

moon conjunct saturn and pluto

I, for one have lived this complex heavy "aspect" (moon saturn pluto capricorn) most of my life so, it is nothing new to me to feel burdened, heart broken, .locked in, trapped, having to carry other's burdens.
As a parent, the pain your kids go through are the same ones you may see of feel as they  grow.
It hurts us!
To let go! Loving someone is okay. Following them around to make sure they do what you want is too much.
Family wants that support from you. especially now. You will get your feelings hurt.

Did you see what  that old lady from Russia just said before she died at age over 120? "I never had one happy day in my life"
ha ha ha ha ha
I laughed because she still had it together in her last moments. She talked about Stalin and how her people were shipped out in cattle cars because that guy said they were bad people and needed to go. Women died from their bladder exploding because they were too embarrassed to pee in front of a locked crowd.
The smart ones peed.
I am making a solid point about happiness I guess.
As if Saturn in Capricorn hasn't had enough heavy vibes and learning and mother and father, all of it, no, that was not enough! Now, you have this with Pluto and well the moon is not helping with her freaking over exaggeration of hurts and boundaries.
Remember what is important!
If your pipes burst or your furnace breaks in -16 weather, your hurt feelings get put aside because there is work to be done and after the emergency of the work, you can go back and bask in your regrets once again! Make sure you pay attention to what needs done.
Ha ha ha
What, to much? Too much freaking PLUTO bringing insidious notions in peoples mind and other  people see it and reflect in their way and everyone is pissed because they held it on too long..
"I have never experienced one happy day in my life", she said!
Not even one lovely warm hot pee on your own?

Saturday, February 2, 2019

the moon is in capricorn a capricornian story

Soon, the tri aquarius team, moon sun merc, will charge us up and make us feel like we are actually one race of people in a whole body of god, but hey, as you know, I am against all religion because, sure, god loves you, I get it! Just you and me because we are tight.

If  you think about it too much you might rant for a year or two like I have  and perhaps always will.
 I am thinking on sweeter things, however the cappy moon makes me uber emo and I feel like I am carrying the world and some days, are, harder now and for me they will be for a few more months.
I am still creating you know. I am always creating something.

Yesterday, one of my regular shoppers ( I do not know what to call them) who is a political science major came in with her daughter who has perpetual constipation.
I know what the problems is!
 Her mother, a very bright Persian woman, loves to say she loves  prayer, always she says that first, I think it is a habit. What I see is the mother is very attached to keeping her girl so healthy that she is not healthy. She is pallid and says nothing while her mother chatters on.  I try to engage in real questions, like, " what do you do when you do not study, what do you study, anyhow?" "I study for medicine, maybe.."
she looked down when she said it, you know?
She does not want to be a doctor. I do not know what she wants to do, but honestly, she looked a little vacant just in case her mother, still talking, might find her private  thought and dissect it like a surgeon..
controlling her girl while choosing all the remedies and  what she will eat next. seriously lady, she is in college, not some desert island and she is 20, leave her alone!
This time we gave her some magnesium powder (we as in me) and some dandelion tea.
I know what the problem is.
she wants to tell her mom to piss off for a minute  so she an breathe but she is scared and now she is a slave to this controlling tight person which manifests her reflections on her girl. the poor girls liver!
Admittedly, I really kind of  enjoy her knowledge and fervent need to understand the body and herbal medicine. She should be a doctor, not the girl.

from the feet grounded as they are charged with earthly  life
traveling upwards and through each ancient cell of your body
and out of your  hands as each  of your mind's intention pours
