Thursday, April 18, 2019

Jupiter In Sagittarius you deserve to be happy at your own expense

Soon you will see Jup go in to Capricorn. I feel like it is good good because Capricorns all over the world can laugh a little more after grueling lessons and life support systems that needed mending. of course this can go as far as you want in your mind. It can take you to places in your memories that still hurt.
Yes, the more you tell a story the more changes you can remember and change the story. I see that however, even though the story changes and alters because your mind is different now thirty years later, or five, you can still hurt just as much at how you let someone hurt you in such a horrid way.
I do not care about how trivial it may  seem to others. Your pain  is all your own in all your own way.
That you do not have to release it and be happy about your lessons. No one has the right to physically or mentally hurt you. They will. You will remember the pain of it. The hurt and the silent. The anger is what it is. it is okay for sure!
Humans do  feel all those things daily and lying about it is just plain childish. Say your truth momma!

Sagittarius is my 12 house so I already feel it. The thing is I am calmer, and I am accepting of inevitable realities that have nothing to do with sentimental lovely sayings about women and how we should be.
It ends with my family right here. I will honor my daughters as heads of my family not someone I have to give to another family.
I saw that in my mother and how the whole lot of them treated her. It started with my fathers father who from day one called her the fly on the wall. Miya..the dirty pig! He loved me! Who wouldn't?
They had like six or seven kids like me. Who grew up and they all lived in that big house. My mother the outsider in a gang.(so to speak)
It ends with my boys right now I say. My mother has coddled and babied all the sweet boys in our family.
I will push them all the same based on their provisions and offerings to our family.
My daughters though..well lets us say that through all of my painful fears, we have survived the zombie hoard and continue to thrive in the

Long ago....
Me at 13 years old having just learned enough English to read some books after three years here having come home from classes at the school..
My grandfather had come to visit us from Greece and he asked me "how was school?'
"good, we learned about evolution'" I told him in Greek.
He flipped out! Started yelling and carrying and yelling at me about how ridiculous, "we do not come from monkeys!"


"We do not come from monkeys!"

"We all came from something and separated"

He flipped out more!
I never spoke with him again.
Not because he was wrong, but because he took it out on me., yo!
It is what it is!

Who do you and your opinions think you are?
Well, what I see, is you are as far as what you have made of yourself.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

moon square mercury venus

It is a great time to square away loose ends and clean up, get  ready for the next phase of the year cycle.
It is a great time to encounter items lost or simply random things you have been looking for.
If you lose something, give it time, it always turns up. I like to give it the 6 week rule. You look and look and one day, there it is then..under some dumb thing you left it on.
My theory does not work for everyone so don't come knocking on my door because you have lost your long lost lover and want him back so that you two can be one again.

ha hahahahaaaaa
Never go backwards, I told you that. You will fall in a fire and be in pain.

I sound morose, I know. Pisces planets give me ideas like that. I start to think about the depths of depravity of man while he pats himself on the head because he is on the tv making claims or he has made a bunch of amazing quotes for the facebook and or she  has submitted many photos of herself on Instagram, looking at a mirror in the bathroom of a building. A strange building in a strange bathroom somewhere..
It is a thing I guess..
When I was a girl, we wore halter tops and our mothers were shocked. Now kids are changing their identities and still they are unhappy.
The key is to organize your life and not live in chaos.
There are hidden clues everywhere and It Is Important to not talk about everything you are doing as to not thin its power. They thing is you must always continue to learn and be better.
Some of your plans will not work is okay..Look to see what is best now at this moment.

my shop

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

loosing and winning moon mars in gemini angled with mercury venus

When the moon is in conjunction with Mars, the things that happen before the aspect are as important  as when the aspect hits on target. By that time, you may have lost control of your words and allowed some attachment to people or things to interpret themselves in your behavior.
In other words, watch your mouth?
I will not watch my mouth..
Too long we have tried to hold the peace because we do not want a war. Too long we avoid saying the truth because we are scare of being ridiculed and insulted. Too long we have craved respect while continuing to give up our freedom to corporations who demand compliance.
Remember that it takes no skill to punch in on time. It takes no skill to stab someone in the heart either, that is if your intention is to just sit around and hurt people's feelings for your own satisfaction..
Yes well, people do. they do not care about you, you! They care about their emotional superiority. The power they wield with the dollar.
Who are these, "they"?

Your boss
your other boss
and the guy who sneaks around pretending to be a shopper, he is not a shopper, he is a spy sent by the people who pay you to be on rental for them.
Your dad? Your mom, or your sister? Could be?

Well, if anything is on your mind babe, these are the times you are gonna spill and so will memories you have stuffed down there and never recovered.

These are the times when loyalties will be revealed without too many words. Sometimes, one word can stab. Loyalty is a wonderful thing. Just remember if you are being loyal to the wrong thing or person.
It may be too late anyhow. You are or may be convinced of your devotions and how they are correct and true.

your intentions
your happiness
your everyday convictions and things that you love.

My heart is open and my intentions are clear..unity and understanding, compassion and not fear
enough money for all
enough good food to be healthy
what else is is truely how to be