Sunday, September 23, 2018

Goodness Full Fill Meant Happy Mabon

Happy Mabon!

A very very important sabat and yet we may overlook it's value.

Full moon in September, School starting and money money money flowing..

"I love money money loves loves me"

With all of those ideas flowing the most valued is our time.
How much time do we devote to strife and worry over real action?
How much time do we devote to our family and our real loved ones?
How many secret scapegoats do we line up so that we do not have to look at our own behavior?

I am at a good place I have to say..Oh, yes, I will rant and bring out the  truth from the dredges, that is my  calling and my naturalness. I finally see my real value at my age now more than ever before and Mabon is always a great time to measure all of your real attributes.
 It should not be who you know and how they can  help you. You must look at all that you have and love it so much that you are willing to devote your every effort in to making that glisten with joy and friendship. With your generous spirit and you true desires right there for all to see transparent and always inviting light glowing, crispy shiny and wet enough to thrive in your heart so that words you have spoken linger on someones mind like a morsel of food.

"You are my mind food, you feed me but gooood"

Happy Mabon

I think of you always
deep in my heart
deep in my mind even after we have been apart
my mind lingers on words that we spoke
each idea was like poetry prose
each caress akin with fabulous ideas gentle on mind
sometimes cutting like a sharp sword
my heart is way open for that!

Come to me Mabon Abundance, Balance, Appreciation, Gratitude, Hecate..

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