Thursday, September 13, 2018

September is for sleeping

It was amazing working with the honey and propolis from Barry's bees in so many ways and I have to say I get so excited when I discover something new and something rare to have experienced. There have been many of these moment for sure. There are photos on instagram @eleneetha :)
The bees that live here near by are my friends now. They come every day for the sedums which are one of the last flowers of summer.
I don't keep them yet but maybe they will keep coming here every year to eat and carry all the good stuff from the flowers that are the last they will see for many months to come. Winter here is a long long long time.
Bee Love Soap

This soap is not really made of honey alone. It is  combination of propolis and a whole lot of that because when I meted the honey and wax low and all turned deep dark amber colored and then the wax settled on top. I have that in chunks ready to clean it and see if it will burn like if I decide to make votives or something cool like that!

September is for sleeping great because the windows can open and you can actually sleep covered up. There is nothing like it and to wake up fresh and ready to think about soap and oils is about the greatest life anyone could have ever been privileged to have lived.

sadness as big corporations drive the way we work even more..words like,
"compliant" and
 "focused" which means shut up and listen and do what we tell you and no talking or laughter..

true is creepy and how it is totalitarian. I suggest you all read animal farm again and that way you can get a sense about it. Oh, you will still have to be compliant.

"you are not focused enough."

"huh?" This was said to me after I put 4 miles the day before at the job I am not focused on and after I answered 100 phones calls ranging from, how to cook rice to complex cancer related customers and in between that, I put 20 big boxes full of crap on the shelf..I was quite happy.

"you need to not be you anymore because too many people search  you out, both customers and team members"

"(ha ha ha, make me a manager then, you fuk, no?? I'm too old so you shot me down every time because I am an older woman with more brain and  with more skills in my little finger than your whole entire bod babe!))" Of course I kept that to myself..

It was a memo sent from the top to make people more serious about stocking ha ha ha ha

It could have gone this way..
"hey, they just sent another memo, you are great ( I  know)) and I wish it were different, but dammit, you enjoy your job too much and we need you to look more serious about stocking these shelves and no more dancing to the songs we play so loud!"
It was a younger less educated person who told me I am not focused enough..I cried for about five minutes about it because it was so bad and so freaking tyrannical and amazonian and here I am in the  middle of all that on rental for money and the carrot on the stick before me which is is a hoax at  times for sure. Be ready and keep your eyes open so you do not become poisoned by faceless greed with insidious intentions..

I was given an example for my lack of focus by another less educated human, who said that when I was training someone " I dwelt too much on the details of citrate in magnesium"..

They jab at you to make you feel less so that you can be more compliant.

Be the one who is actually concerned about the other creatures you live and work with and not just the drive to make more compliant drones to do menial tasks while social media drives the product they will buy and smart and consume thoughtfully purchased things..yes!

I am the queen bee babies and there are some lesser drones thinking they have a hand..

drones die fast. remember the people who have always loved you remember, everything dies.
Your loyalties and your words and the time you spent being you will be the last thing people remember. I hope it is good, I do. You are not a soldier, what are you dong this for to really amazing humans who have stuck by you? Is this the man drone you want to  be?

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