Thursday, April 5, 2018

ah yes mercury retrograde and more money and range of spending

Here is the thing to get through Mercury retrograde..calm down, look at the facts not some made up bullshit to gas light your way through another lie and another cover up..
Who is this pertaining to? I do not know names okay! lol

I am simply reviewing cause and effect in my life as I watch my people go through their thing and  of course they all think I can handle the anythings  they go through because I am so tough!
I am tough and I am worthy and I am faaakin smart, that is between us, I do not chant this in public. I do seem to have a keen eye to get the the cause..ah the cause..
No, do not hide your heart from it..
You had better own it as it follows you till death..a weight of fear and guilt  which can get heavy I say unless served and locked it  away to  your mind's success factors..BTW
What are your ideas of success factors? What do you want in your daily life?
This is the time to review your real desires and wants and ways you want to spend your time here. Is your time spent buying trinkets and jewels and such? Dinner parties and hotel outings?
A nice cabin in the woods with fire and nature?
Eating fish on an open fire or eating a drive through meal and diet coke from McDonalds?
There are choices. and You wear the garments of who and what you are, truth!
Your garments being your words and what you may or may not have said.
Your garments  like the light that shines so hot off  of your forehead
the gleam which sparks joy in your eye and mine
this is what I want all the time..really now

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