Saturday, April 21, 2018

happy birth day Taurus

Oh yea baby..Taurus is big for the next few years..big big big..thank you for all you've been working for, I can't wait to see everything!
You will have the thing with Uranus in Taurus don't you know..
not now you will make it a good chariot so that Uranus can really ride hard and be all that. not yet though.
Ride hard on a soft bed..ha ha ha haaaa LOL

Happy Birthday Taurus and now we all have the earthly delights to make us see what needs done and folded and cleaned and paid for....and driven to and bought and made pretty. Home remodeling is going to be big. I am excited big time!

You will pay for amazing things  and bless that because you get to.
If not, soap is the last thing on your mind..(out of ten things) (unless you live here..))

These ideas will reflect in all of us, money matters and what we value..course Leo, do not be a dick because you are are so awesome in every way..charm is nothing without skills and you have them but dang, you can be super duper too fast, too burned out, too much working and then tired, too much crying over dicks at work..
sound familiar?

The stubborn factor and the planets say this all day(Mars in earthy Capricorn, Saturn in stubborn sorry Capricorn). With the Uranus in Aries pushing pushing pushing  and did I say, "pushing, new ideas t, some being time wasting crap but some dick in an office thinks it is good for everyone and so our culture changes to people easily being offended about the rules of life..oh snap!

they all  have their pars
their protocols
eleneetha's soap

Reputations are  certainly being reviewed and when dicks make up their minds about someone, well, the tv  says it all. Make up your own mind about what is real before you go wild in a group about outcast them somehow..

Did I say dicks too much..
making them happy .never..and you'll try, honing in on your techniques, but nope, when something is not you lie to yourself and say, "oh it is okay, I will do better next time". It is like you manipulate yourself to just accept it, and wake up thinking about it and go to sleep obsessing about it and secretly, carry on and then one day that is it, you  say, finally, "no," You say what your heart has known from the start, but that stubbornness grips you and you feel your ego  bursting with desire to show you can  and you will greedy heart..see it and breathe her..because it is what drives all of your best instincts.
 Know them and be free for tyranny and lies about what  you should want and  and think..cammon!

Be Greedy For Good! BGFG

Own it and be free from guilt about it..Greedy For  Freedom Chant..GFFC

" I do not want this, it hurts my head!"

"you keep saying I am okay, that you love me and all that and then you pound me over the head."

"You keep saying you care and then create a snare which I get caught in and the you say, "why, did you get caught in that, I told you not to?"
"who are you, god?'

My favorite one is this, here, "Thank you that I get to make my best choices today"

Values..are something we all will learn..Uranus in Taurus will teach us that rebuilding is the key our children's future. Good health and true education without fear of  offending anyone, any cult, and or church..
Sorry about the dick thing, I was thinking a vilest thought that I could..LOL
These thoughts are all Capricornian..that weird sort of bitterness that can well up in your heart..shed that right now!
Be mindful  of what you want exactly. Also no one cares about you really they are in their own special bubble just like you and me.
"Do not accept defeat!" They say that to you in big pictures on walls..

That is a dumb word, there is always something is already after now.
Focus on it, and be the artist, of which there  are and more and more of us, you and me, thinking, doing, achieving a family to be all happy, all nice to each other.
I would like that and yes, it comes, a nice family life and a glorious soap art only getting better, and money enough to eat what I love to eat and now , you know, I want more rose oil and more frankincense and more old whore.

I am getting ambergris this month too because it has been a while..oh man..

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