Wednesday, July 25, 2018

FULL MOON Lore in Aquarius, Blood Moon Ideas

(new logo, by, Sara Samples)

I know of some lore and that is what I will touch on before I allow myself the free rant about full moons and we will see what my brain hurls at us. Fears, dreams, night mares, hopes, wishes, universal love in aquarius...redecorate, learn new ideas, do not be a rigid tyrant,  yo.

Where is the full moon (aquarius)and which house? The house it is in, is relevant because let us say the full moon  and a lunar eclipse Moon  at that, hits your tenth house, well, there will be a big reload at the job front and how your boss, your dad or anyone who is in charge of the money treats you. There is pride and there many be of course the deliberate rivalry that can be harmless now but have long lasting effects. (about six months) Depending on what the leo and aquarius viibe  have going on for you and your aquarian house at the moment, and it will be something earth moving or moving in to a new house..there is movement and even mountains rumble, and people will die. Be thankful you are safe and do not live in the Himalayas right now and there is no LOL here sorry!
Sometimes you cannot pretend all is perfect and glorious and spanking spiritual when there is so much destruction and death in our world and all the media can do is bring up videos and secret tapes they made to stab someone (deserving?) in the back so they can make more money being proud of themselves.

"anastasia, you have mentioned money all day!" YUP!

Sometimes, just saying, you feel glorious and all is wonderful and pure and sometimes it's as if you forget that today many have died and mountains do crumble and they have no regard for our happiness.

Everything in our world today is is being rumbled throughout earth. There Has been injustice since the beginning of time and having insight to our true selves is where we must go otherwise the rigid authoritarians who have no regard for us will eat us, and, spit us out like the returns they except from all of us in the mail and how we have no real love for the things we buy, it is all driven by an unseen force.


There goes my brain again!

This full moon is exceptional because it is when the veggies come in, and we begin to prepare for winter by putting up safety food (in the olden days canning begins)and safety thoughts. Be aware of the insidious nature of man and do not fall for the hatred which seems to dwell among us and we carry on our days full of anger about people and ideas we really know nothing about and really have never met. Love your family not a tv person.

Be aware how your money flows and you must hunker  down and review where you are wasting resources for your greed or whore needs.
I have them, I love rose and I love all the oils so much that I must plan and plan and prepare for each event in my great life in soapmaking and potions. You cannot just throw things together with just one idea. There are rules and steps like a recipe. You must always follow your heart and always be proud of what you are creating and love it as if it is your lover from days gone by always ready to please you and delight your senses.

You must be made aware of your pride and how it really has a life of its own. Your pride in your religion, work, politics.
They all become one and if you are not careful you will have no thoughts that you yourself have thought but simply something someone seeded in your brain all wide open and ready to feel so good and there you sided info going in all day..what comes out is individual sameness!

Be aware of  how creative and simply beautiful you are. You do not need selfies or to prove that you are amazing. Your work will prove this easily and abundantly! Live cheap for six months. Live easy for six months. Do not hate anyone for six months. Love everyone all day every day and more each day and today is as if it is already tomorrow.
I love you so much..

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