Monday, July 16, 2018

remember when everybody was a communist in hollywood? Retro planets and more pluto ideas

Now they are all either a me too or a kardashian fashion wearer and stroller through any street..just walking with a coffee and a phone. I would have worn those short crop tops as a young woman too though! I would have rocked it!

I understand the phone thing. It is addictive. I really try hard not to play on the thing..but man, it is my best friend in a way. Always there and ready to do my bidding. Logan's Run much?

I love the future and I love the past too. Mostly...:)
I Love Oils and skin care and I do not for sure ever think it is okay to was with detergent in a bottle.Like ants.
Or buy a product just because a new big butt star girl says it made her skin look good so now we all need it.

People are funny like that. I know because I work the retail life and the masses are the masses.
Check out how ants gather around this drop of sugar syrup. It is how we also gather around the most interesting and the most frightening as well.

As far as "me too"
OH, AND YEA, DON'T BE A PORN HEAD EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR DAY, GO READ SOME YOGANANDA OR SRI YUKTESWAR OR JESUS or who ever someone pretended that he was because the idea is that you work other areas of your brain too.
Men can get away with themselves just a soon as they reach some sort of imaginary pinacle or achievement. The brain triggers all this rush of good hormones and then you have that awesome mix of testosterone in there and naked women all over the place..
eating brown rice and pea protein and smoothies and you have "chemistry" oops there goes the penis again..ha ha ha rawerrrrr ha
Men get out of control and women too but try as we might to be like men at times, we should not.
We should take the feminine and elevate its potential to a place that sex can exist with out rape or allegations where years and years and years go by with these ideas that women are nothing but the next pussy on the list.
What too graphic? You don't think all the misogynists in all of us say that behind closed doors?
Remember how I was married to the ultimate predator at one time, the ultimate hater of all female and dispiser of all darker skin?
I was raised to always show loyalty and not be like some wretched female of the kind which stands up for herself and says, "wow, no, you are wrong there buddy!"They beat you for saying such things. Truth!

Ah retrograde planets, they always make us review what we have allowed to happen and how long we did it and now what else?
Is there stress in your life or is it all made up stuff in order to impress some sugar syrup pond somewhere where all the other ants gather?

"may my sunshine soap business be the sweet nectar which soothes all us and many"

Yogananda says something really cool about how we should not wait for the nervana  or heaven to give us our rewards today, we should live our lives now with the most honor..and integrity..instead or lies which flow like that fake blue sugar water they seduced the ants with.

I love you!
You know this and even though we have not spoken, when do, it is like we are and have always been all along stretching our web of truth, laughter and good feelings to one another!

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