Sunday, November 25, 2018

some money is not worth being made

I have said it before many times. Yes, I know money  money to be used and even mother teresa took mafia money to make her cheap hospitals but then she used the rest of the money to buy convents, nice ones too.
No, I do not want the sisters to suffer! I want etsy to have been better.
It was too. Such great memories, such amazing babes buying soap, potions and all that great stuff I make.
I cannot see how they will survive and the next thing you will see is a scattering of furniture dealers pretending they made that s**t. They didn't and they might be the only ones affording the fees.

I still have one soap up on the menu. It is because I want to direct you to what I am and what I make and no, do not buy from etsy. They are greedy mother****ers and you must not give them another dime..
I am not friends! That money is for my family not some unface on a screen being a little bitch!
Yes, I am mad!
And I am over it.
I can honestly say, I have had some stellar  soap users! Two very awful ones out of thousands. The last one and it was just before this etsy mess, she was a jerk yo! I mean don't freeking buy it, what is your problem? I give her a refund before she the moment she asked! She got mad for some strange reason and the etsy sent her a shipping notice and after she got her money back, do you know I got another email saying she would refuse the product!
My blood pressure!
"you were never sent a product, I gave you a refund the money you asked for it!" "Yes i got my money back"
"oh oh, I just that got a notice from etsy and well, sorry then.."

See, there? that is a little bitch. right there! The kind of person who is mean until you get right back in their face and their tail goes right between their less because they know they are mean and weak!
One person out of a thousand and the libra can't handle it! I am like, "who is this person? I want to see her face!"
Like the lady who said I "rattled" off numbers..which were accurate so please do not cop that I am meaner than you! I can rattle in four languages, what is your story? You need oregano  oil  too cheap, poor, mean,  and so I will be try to intimidate these people here now in order to get  a discount.
They do that. Do you think I like working for satan? I would give you that precious  bottle of oregano oil if I could! Do you think the new satan (etsy) is worthy of my labor?
No and the one mean lady who was a little bitch, oh, she will go and do that with the next person, the next store.

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