Friday, January 2, 2015

big news small planet

skin teeth nail hair
cut the hair
cut your nails
check your teeth

We have a couple of weeks to prepare for mercury retrograde. What ever needs fixing  will be fixed.
Until Feb 12 or so, we should not collide with our desires, think clearly and keep  learning. that is what Saturn in Sagittarius is for. learning and more learning.

When you look to the future of us, you can' matter how psychic you may say you are..we see patterns though, and we know that we do make up the past as we go..some more than others. It depends on how vivid your imagination is. How dramatic your outbursts in your head and how mad you stay over things and how that effects people around you now and  in the past..that is a whole lot of  holding on to bitterness over the years.
Also the things you may find utterly shocking, might not really be that weird or shameful to others..
I think Saturn is arrogant in a sense that he will not budge on what he deems is already right. he can be just as wrong, even if he looks all that and has credentials.
Prove yourself wrong sometimes and do not twist the people know and they secretly don't like you too much when you lie to them in their faces.

Also, people are smarter. We are super smart compared to even 50 years ago when women were told just about everything that was  good for them..while they were  drugged up so much that their babies had to be pulled out with metal forceps..and when they got to be my age, Valium and hysterectomies all goodness..I should check my feminism also more  women doctors and scientists has helped, yes?
"call the midwife"

Honestly, look how far we've come in such a short time..all because humans are getting smart enough to think for themselves and do not need a king savior to tell them what to think..although we collectively tell ourselves what to think and what to buy and which shoes are cool enough to make us sexy enough so we can be blakeky blanked in a hot way..
opps I said a cuss word!
Everyone wants to look nice when saturn makes a move..Saturn, looking in to the past while molding your current future. I like him.


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