Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Full Moon in Taurus Everybody!

Not to mention the fact that mercury is about to go back in to Scorpio and if that  doesn't get your train of changes in faster mode to nowhere well, I say then what will?
You staying calm, that is what!
You staying poised for greatness!
And you recognizing when someone is trying to be charming but it is really manipulation and fake?
Frankly, I have been in a really awesome space with regards to my choices in the last few years.
Sure, I have my family near me and everyone helps everyone.
I want that! I love that!
I want to call my boys and have them come to me to help me if should have a car break down or my computer breaks down and then the dang printer again!

Listen this week it was all those things!
My beloved Betty, my red Focus died for good yesterday:(
She was very good to me Betty was!
She took me to work, to Ann arbor, to Zerbos and back home.
I am wishing that my next car will be as good if not better than my Betty was..
I am driving a 5 speed scooter right now and listen at my age, I am over manual gear driving but I wont even think about buying till late November..
The printer is another story. I got this wifi thing and it was working just fine until my computer stopped communicating with the printer. i have tried everything. And I know there is a logical pathway to solving this problem..but really now, what a drag.
I am almost fed up with it! lol
I have had to improvise on labels again and do them the hard way. I hope you are pleased with your goodies when they arrive.

I always like to review the retrogrades for the whole year in 2012..

All in Fire signs and  two of three having regressed back to water.
What does that tell me?
Skill (aries)
Flamboyance and display (leo)
Higher purpose (sag)
which is now, with the Sag thing.

By the 6th of November we'll have Mercury retrograde in Scorpio.. for a while. I can live with that. I mean what is a stupid printer problem when you think about the real disasters in the world?
I can be grateful I live here in Michigan where we only got  the tail spattering of the big storm. that was magnificent in strength and power to destroy as it hit land. Here we had a super cold windy icy rain day.
How long has that storm of Jupiter been going on, 400 years or so?
Space is awesome! We are in it and sometimes it is violent, yes?
 Blessings for everyone involved by the storm, please stay warm..xx

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