Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scorpionic Composure

Finally, Ill be making more soap this week.
When Mercury hits, we are always delayed. I was slightly delayed in making time to enjoy my favorite activities.
The shadow put a stop to our plans and we must also stop  for a moment and rethink our strategies.
Holding on to bitterness and heart ache from the past seems really acute right now due to the Scopionic energies which may effect some intense sorts like ourselves..not a good time for stimulants because they might cause a headache and that is anger at yourself.
Let it go!
The more you think and rethink and then brew on how you were hurt here and disrespected there..dang man, forget it!
Those people who've been cads to you will fade away right quick!
You will remember how awesome you are and remember to hone in on the good stuff you've got. Boons my dearies boons!
Your boons and mine~
how we are amazing at something and how noble we are and how our families love us and how we look great and eat well and use really good soap..:):)

Scopionic Composure

Jasmine Lemon Lime Soap
Shea butter based soap cream
with yuzu, lime, pink grapefruit, lemon, and jasmine sambac

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