Saturday, August 11, 2012


pronounced, May- Bon..

I love this time. It is chilly in the morning and all my plants outside are really taking this time to make sure they grow as much as they can because there isn't much time left for them.
This is not a sad time at all. We are excited, everything is starting move fast and we must make sure we honor this harvest in our lives.
Colors: orange, brown, red
The foods are rich in color with reds galore and deepest oranges and brightest yellows.
Think cinnamon, ginger, orange, mandarin..
Think prosperity, contentment and calm respect for all who are around you..
Make a candle..with beeswax, something for red like your reddest oils and then make it.
sweet orange

inscribe your candle with your prosperity desires..
more money for bills
more money for clothes
more money for that trip you want to take to visit an old friend
burn this candle for three days and allow The Universe to reflect that in your life during a fortnight.

Everything is intention and fortitude.

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