Wednesday, August 15, 2012

me and the douche bags

there are at times in retail you have the ha ha moments

like, Ha ha ha ha, really?"
Yea well, people are connivers sometimes. They  are crazy for the best deal. so much so that that some will take every advantage that they can and yes it borders on stealing. Where do you draw the line?
Well you do draw it.
Take a few days ago when a woman connived and ranted so that we would order  a product we no longer buy to sell and then turn around and tell me she can get a better deal on line  and unless I  price  match, ( I have no authority to make deals like that at my job)she will deny it...while at the same time getting a gift card and leaving me with product I didn't want.
...and it isn't the product. it is fine..nobody wants it but her..I spent 4 hours during 3 weeks in conversation with this woman's rants and complaints about all her rashes! How about that she did this at the same time to all the other health shops around here!?
(because in that 4 hours i listened to her every word and all her tales of searching for her beloved Immunity formula)

We all kissed her ass big time..that is how she is..a scammer..omg, that is it! And how does someone stay on the phone for weeks at a time like this?
 It reminds me of the gypsies that would come to my village and tell our fortunes while their men stole our chickens:)
See? That is the "ha ha" moment...
I forgive her, fine, I do..I forgive her right now but she won't fuq with my mind again.

(and I believe this is Saturn in Scorpio vibe all the way..we all get down to the facts and do it good..let's!
"I manage my work life with detachment"

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