Thursday, February 4, 2016

light snow with toast and tea

I made a big salad so we can all eat through the day and I bought a wonderful rye loaf at Joe's in Livonia. I love Joe's! I love a good meal and I love Imbolg!

All is well on this February day and February moment as I rejoice in Imbolg like a true witch of my kind.
I rejoice in so many things and so many ways  and ideas which invite goodness and sexy moments in so many forms.
It is sexy and not always exactly sexual..To me Imbolg is one of the most sacred of the nature celebrations because it is truly driven by a chemical reaction in our evolutionary cycles.
Imbolg is about attraction and actually making a bed for your love. making a magical cove for you and your mate..for private  moments of love.
It is about creation and creativity. About Lilith, transforming into Rheannon..naked and waiting for her lover..she prepares a beautiful bed made of straw and warm scented furs....she would invite and she would willingly give...
perhaps, she would chant...
"Come to me now, my sweet lover,
I will make a bed of straw and furs for you"

so warm and musk flowing from your animal scents
two beings
reacting to new chemicals surging through the body
are you aware of this power with in and with out..
at this moment as our star, The Sun arrives in time to warm, to nurish, to promise something born, something cherished...

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