Monday, December 17, 2012

Whitethorn and Elder Soap

I got some herbs at Zerbos. A whitethorn  elder blossom tea by a brand called Almased. It contains woodruff, marjoram and celery seeds, whitethorn or hawthorn and of course elder.
I am steeping that all day and will cool it and then really grind the herbs with the liquid. This, I will add to soap in the final phase with the following  essential, all that  you see in the photo.
Elder flower, linden, sweet clover and red raspberry..the marjoram  essential oil is from is perfect unto itself..

This blend of herbs which one would drink of they weren't a saopie, is an a excellent tonic for kidney and heart. hawthorn is well regarded among alternative folks as a helper of heart health. It has a property which helps break up fatty sticky stuff in your veins..If you are looking for an herbal experience in soap and wish to stimulate your circulatory system, you would do well to choose hawthorn as a daily tea and take a bath with my herbal creation..I am making soap with it. It'll look very herbal and you should use a bit now and save the rest for May Day celebrations..
Do plant yourself a hawthorn in the yard, the flowers are so nice in spring.

what do you think of this combination up there? Nice, right?

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