Thursday, December 11, 2014

Good evening and here is the bigness and hardening

And I'm not just talking about a penis;)
I'm talking about Uranus who can be stupid dumb jerk, yea? Some more than others..
I know you know a few someones that fucked up? Am I right? You see the crazy here..and this time it isn't me.. I'm doing good.
I do see a Uranian at work.
Like a sweep of some bad thing that impulsively made some weaker types do the wrong thing and this time it's not a small thing.
Some even lost their jobs...loves and maybe even a few pounds.
Yea well we all have our flaws.
Today I debated with a creationist who told me he believes that the earth is six thousand years old and that is it!
I said that is preposterous and we went on.
I did not humor him and the last thing I said about time freaked him out and he said not to hate him because of his"faith"
I told him I could never hate  him and to bring it! Hahahaa
He stayed a long time and I never one time got upset.
Nor did he, even though he is wrong and 
Carbon dating is accurate.
There is algae that is over 3.5 billion years old found! Seriously??
People think God just zapped us here six thousand years ago? That was the dawn of civilization, maybe, yea...
He sells vitamins!!
I asked him how he can revolve his life in fantasies and sell science?
He did stammer on that one!!
We hugged.
I like him he talks nice about his family.

Uranus square Pluto 
Things involved will be gossip
About sexual 
About randy dandies 
And fire gals who speak their mind
And too much air is a bunch of hot air so do not get carried away with your bad self.. Oh you already did?
See? Uranus!!
Now what?
You should forget it 
Get on with it
Things will change soon
It is done now anyhow.

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