Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The next thirty days or so..call it, 45 days!
I know I called it solstice but it isn't:)
It is an equinox..
You know how last week it was 95 and we had storms and every one's house was in danger of basically exploding or being hit by lightning?
Just know that it is dang cold in the morning and everything is going to start to die outside..not everything, but all the pretty flowers and no more ripe summer tomatoes!
It is all good, you hear!

Could it be that I am mastering the art of making balms? I think so:)
I would like to thank my friend and confidant, Tonie and my best essential oil dealers in the world!
White Lotus is having a deal on vanilla and Eden Botanicals has some mighty fine oils,and I must  say that nothing has compared to Sunrose's labdanum! I wish I could be on that big hill on Cyprus and with my leather rake, collecting each sappy nugget myself, I do!
I would wear a hat and I would sing Greek songs in chant in Sanskrit right there!
There would have to be a still in time, where I would see what I could do with that..
there is a young man in my realm at this time who is now getting started in distilling! Organic!
Jake, say hello with your best sage hydro from my gardens..how about wormwood hydrosol?
Now there is a forward thinker for his future. He is only a boy and getting started on a path which will always enrich his life, always..

Can I say thank you for all your awesome orders and love given to me these last few weeks. I am so utterly delighted with my soap shop and its visitors. We are of a special breed of human!
That there is a fact. I mean who else would be this self aware, self realized, self mind controlled but some one who loves vetiver and patchouli..the essence of the old whore..she does open doors!

Aries, dude, stop obsessing about this one thing..take time off honey:) the battle isn't  won just because everyone is dead..
everyone is here to live their lives and survive..this is true of the smallest creatures...they carry with them a life's burden of their own creation and influences from people you never knew..if they are a Scorpio type, they will never tell it..if they are a dreamy Aquarius type..there may be even more complications..

We should all be at peace with ourselves before we can fix others..focus on what is real now, right now...
ask your own mind,
What do you want?

A country home?
A hot lover, who never even thinks of another?
A hot ass wife?
A lover man without too much hair on his scrotum?


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